Tooth bonding can help quickly repair a chipped, broken or discolored tooth.
If you have ever chipped or broken a tooth, then bonding is a way to repair your natural tooth. Tooth bonding can also be used to conceal gaps in teeth, discolored teeth or disproportionate teeth.
Bonding is different from a filling, and a composite color similar to your natural teeth is used to help your tooth return to its original look and feel.
Even if you have a small part of your tooth missing, fixing it is vital for your oral health. It helps your teeth fit together and work together properly to avoid any additional issues with your surrounding teeth.
Tooth bonding is also a more cost effective office than other treatments, like porcelain veneers or dental crowns.
Our tooth bonding process is done in a single visit, using a composite resin to fill in the missing tooth area. Utilizing a UV light, the bonding material is secured into place with the same strength as your natural tooth.
If you have a sensitive mouth, then local anesthetic can be utilized to make your procedure more comfortable.
This efficient process takes about an hour.