We offer gentle, thorough teeth cleanings, X-rays, and comprehensive dental exams. Our approach focuses on your full-body health.
Our experienced team of compassionate dental hygienists are committed to gently cleaning, scaling and polishing your teeth. Using an ultrasonic cleaner for teeth cleaning, our dental hygienists gently loosen tartar, deposits, plaque and stains to ensure a healthy, happy mouth. To meet some patients’ needs, we can also provide deeper periodontal cleaning if necessary.
Routine pediatric dental care is equally important for your children. Our kid-friendly team looks forward to helping your little ones develop healthy dental habits early on!
Our team will carefully review your medical and dental histories to establish a clear picture of your habits, sleeping patterns and overall health.
As a part of the dental exams, we will perform a complete oral cancer screening of your lymph nodes, lips, tongue and the inside of your mouth and cheeks.
Our trained technicians will take a series of high definition dental X-rays to provide detailed images of your teeth, bones and jaw.
A careful periodontal assessment will determine the health of your gum tissues and will detect any periodontal disease, from healthy to gingivitis (gum inflammation) to periodontitis (bone loss).
We will also inspect your occlusion for cross bite, deep bite, or underbite. This helps us diagnose any related issues such as worn teeth, grinding, or jaw problems like temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD).
Dr. Hecklin, Dr. DiLuzio, and Dr. Smiley perform meticulous dental exams. They examine each tooth to identify any cavities, determine the condition of prior treatments and restorations, locate cracked or missing teeth and suggest options for treatment and repair, as necessary. We will address any oral health concerns you may have.
Once you have had a comprehensive examination and have an established relationship with our practice, we recommend a dental prophylaxis (cleaning) on a timely basis that reflects your needs. Regularly scheduled preventative cleanings promotes overall health and halts the progression of periodontal (gum) disease, gingivitis and tooth decay.