See your smile, not your dental fillings. Our Nashville dentists offer composite fillings and ceramic crowns.
Resin composite fillings are an esthetic way to restore a cavity and transform your smile. Tooth-colored composite resins provide great durability, resistance to fracture, and can withstand pressure from the stress of chewing. These great-looking fillings are perfect for smaller cavities and can be used on either your front or back teeth.
Bonding resin composite to teeth is also a natural, beautiful way to close spaces between teeth or fix chipped edges.
We believe all dentistry should be cosmetically beautiful. Our crowns are hand-crafted by the best laboratories in the country to ensure a lasting and esthetic result for your smile. Nearly all of our crowns are made from tooth-colored, ceramic materials. Crowns cover and protect weak, decayed teeth from further deterioration. Dental crowns can also restore already broken teeth, worn teeth, cover and support teeth with large fillings, cover misshapen teeth, or cover dental implants.